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Difficult Vocabulary that I missed in Anki:

  1. sans - without {#71 on most frequently used words}

    • Sans l'eau, une personne est mourir après trois jours. - Without water, a personne is dead after three days.
    • Sans tu dans ma vie. Without you in my life.
    • Le train est parti sans Monsieur DuPont. The train left without Mr DuPont.
    • Je vais au cinèma sans ma mère. I am going to the movies without my mother.
    • Pourquoi tu étudies sans le cahier ? Why are you studying with a notebook?
    • Imaginez le monde sans le peuple. Imagine with world without people.
  2. plupart - most or majority{#424 on the most frequently used words.}

    • La plupart les choses sont chers dans cette boutique.Most of the items are expensive in this shop.
    • La plupart de temps, il y a de soleil.Most of the time, there is sunshine.
    • À gagner l'élection, vous avez le besoin la plupart des votes.To win the election, you need majority of the votes.
    • Je voudrais acheter cette chemise sans le pantalon mais plupart des boutiques ils vendent eux ensemble.I would buy this shirt without the pants but most of the shops sell them together.
  3. environ - about

    Le film est environ le roi de France.
    The movie is about the king of France.
  4. devoir - have to, should, must, need.

    Je dois (présent) étudier aujourd'hui, parce qu'il y a un examen demain.
    I have to study today, because there is an exam tomorrow.

    Les enfants ont dû aller aux école.
    The children had to go to school.
  5. heureusement - successfully or fortunately

    Les professeurs heureusement ont donné les examens à les étudiants.
    The students successfully game the exams to the students.
  6. vraiment - really

    Je vraiment veux à visiter la Chine.
    I really want to visit China.

  7. dehors - outside

    En France, il y a beaucoup de restaurants où les tables sont dehors.
    In France, there are plenty of resturants where the tables are outside.

  8. navrant/navrante (adj) - distressing

    Quand je voyage sur l'autobus, cette obtient très navrant.
    When I travel by bus, it get's very distressing.

  9. plutôt - instead or rather

    Vous préférez le café plutôt le thé ?
    Do you prefer coffer intead of tea?

  10. tomber un panne (verb) - to break down

    Ma voiture a tombé un panne sur la route à Verseille.
    My car broke down on the road to Verseille.

  11. paisible (adj) - peaceful

    C'est paisible dans l'église.
    It's peaceful in the church.

  12. se dérouler - to happen

    La réforme se déroulera progressivement.
    The reform will happen gradually.

  13. fourni - to provide or to supply

    Le professeur a fourni des devoirs a les étudiants.
    The professor provided homework to the students.

    Notre employeur nous fournissons avec uniforms.
    Our employer provide us with uniforms.

  14. étonnant/étonnante - astonishing

    La voix de chanteuse est étonnante.
    The singer's voice is astonishing.

    Les vues des montagnes sont étonnantes.
    The views of the mountains are astonshing.

  15. affreux/affreuse - horrible

    Les filles attitude sont affreuses.
    The girls attitude is horrible.

  16. mordre - to bite

    Mes serpents aiment mordre les étrangers.
    My snakes love to bite strangers.

    Quand j'ai mordu la pomme, mes dents ont commencé à blesser.
    When I bit the apple, my teeth started to hurt.

  17. la vitrine - store front or store window

    La vendeuse met un affiche sur la vitrine.
    The seller put a sign on the window.

  18. tant - so much

    Le garçon aime tant la fille.
    The boy loves the girl so much.

  19. Suivre (verb) - to follow

    Mon chien me suit partout.
    My dog follows me everywhere.

  20. tout - everything, all and every.

    Dans la boutique, tout de choses est rabais cinquante percent.
    In the store, everything is discount 50 percent.

    It is an adjective so it must agree with the number and gender with its noun. For example, tous les soirs - every evening; toutes les femmes - all the women. To remember this word, I know tout le monde means everybody.

  21. Word # 86: même - same.

    Lots of words are derived from this word, for example la même chose - same thing.
  22. Word # 121: quelque - some.

    Quelques is used quite frequently. For example, quelque chose is something, quelque fois is sometimes.
    Practice: Elle achète quelque chose à manger au magasin tous les soirs. - She buys something to eat at the store every evening.
  23. Word # 134: avant (prep) - before.

  24. Word # 238: puis (adv) - then, after and next.

    This adverb is commonly used. Similar sounding word is depuis which means since.
  25. Word # 348: mettre (verb) - to put, to set or to place

    This verb is one of the most common verb and it is an irregular verb. Need to study the conjugation throughly.See conjugation of the verb monter and examples here.
  26. Word # 648: le bout (noun) - the end, the edge, scrap.

    I keep missing this one.
  27. Word # 678: devoir - this word has lots of meaning. For example, as a verb it means, have to, should, must, need and owe. As a noun, it means duty, obligation and homework

    This word has lots of meanings.
  28. Word # 838: tranquille (adj) - quiet.

    Very easy to remember since is similar to the english work tranquil.
  29. Word # 904: monter (verb) - go up.

    Monter has losts of meaning but in this text it means to go up. See conjugation of the verb monter and examples here.
  30. Word # 1101: inutile (adj) - useless, unnecessary or meaningless.

    I had this on Anki but missed it in the reading. I am having problems with adjectives.
    Practice: Depuis la voiture a cassé, elle est inutile.
    -Since the car broke, it is useless.

  31. Word # 1610: maigré (pre) - peaceful.

    This is not a common preposition.
  32. Word # 1892: paroles (mas) (noun) - words.

    Write something here.
  33. Word # 2238: déranger (verb) - to bother.

  34. Word # 3445: sourde (adj) - deaf.

  35. Word # 4319: allumer (verb) - to turn on, to light or to switch.

    This verb has several meanings but it is commonly used as to turn on. For example. Il allume la lampe - He turns on the lamp.
    Practice: Il allume la télévision et regarde les informations. - He turns on the television and watches the news.
  36. Word # 5001 (not in the frequency list): rentre chez lui or rentrer chez soi (verb) - go home.

    The verb rentrer means to return but when used with rentrer chez soi or rentrer chez lui it means to go home.
    Practice: D'habitude, il rentre chez lui à sept heures. - Usually, he returns home a 7pm.
  37. Word # 5002 (not in the frequency list): d'habitude (adv) - usually.

    This adjective is formed from the noun une habitude which means a habit. So d'habitude means habitually or usually. Easy to remember this way.
  38. Word # 5003 (not in the frequency list): d'abord (adv) - first of firstly.

    This adjective comes from the noun abord (m) which means accessibility. I will remember d'abord by relating first to accessibility.
  39. Word # 5004: paisible (adj) - peaceful.

    This is not a common adjective.
  40. Word # 5005: le metteur un scène(noun) - director

    Very simple noun le metteur meaning director.
    Practice: Monsieur Speilberg est un bon metteur en scène, parse il a fait plusieurs bons des films.
    - Mr Speilberg is a good director, because he has made several good films.

  41. Word # 5006: mâcher (verb) - to chew.

    Practice: Quand je suis triste, j'adore mâcher du chewing-gum.
    -When I am sad, I love chewing-gum.

  42. Word # 5007: articuler (verb) - to articulate.

  43. Word # 5008: tout à l'heure - just now.

  44. entre (between) - Quelle est la différence entre le garçon et l'homme?
    What is the difference between the boy and the man?
  45. la même (the same) - J'ai la même la chemise.
    I have the same shirt.
  46. plutôt (instead or rather)- Je plutôt vais à la plage.
    I rather go to the beach.
  47. peut-être (maybe) - Peut-être nous regarderai le film Black Panther.
    Maybe we will watch the Black Panther movie.
  48. entendre (to hear) - J'entends ma mère et mon père parler à mon frère.
    I hear my mother and my father talking to my brother.
  49. environ (about) - Le film est environ une fille et un oiseau.
    The movie is about a girl and a bird.
  50. que (which, what and whom & then and that) - Qu'est le meilleur la route à la metro?
    Which is the best route to the subway?
  51. court/courte - short
  52. sourd/sourde - deaf (from the reading)
  53. quelque - some (from the reading)